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Connect Education Trust

Investing in our Planet

The children have kicked off this term to a great start and have shown a great interest in our new topic Living and Growing. This week we discussed how there are different types of seeds, we spoke about the seeds we can grow, seeds we can eat and seeds that are found in foods. 

The children have also taken part in celebrating Earth Day 2022. We learnt that Earth Day is celebrated around the world to encourage people to think and learn about what we can do to look after our planet.

The children took some time to share where their favourite place outside is and what makes it special to them.



They discussed what we can do to look after our earth including picking up litter, planting trees and flowers, recycling and turning off lights.

The theme of Earth Day this year is ‘Investing in our planet’.

To celebrate this the children created their own Seed Bombs using clay, soil and wildflower seeds. They then sprinkled them into our forest school area and we cannot wait to watch them grow and attract more wildlife to the area.